Group Flow
Monthly Schedule
revolYOUtion by Brandon Bozarth
Week 1 Collaboration
The first week of every month I will prompt everyone in the group to share what they are creating, offering, or how they are serving the world. The purpose of this week is to share each others services that mat satisfy others needs! You may also share an area of your life you simply need support or feel you may offer support to others! These can be paid or unpaid opportunities.
Week 2 Webinar and Discussion
Week two will be focused on the theme and experience of Wednesday’s webinar (5:30pm pst). After the webinar closes there will be a 48 hour window open for discussion. This is to keep the notifications from overthrowing your phone and to condense our intention so we don’t fall victim to a lack of urgency being the reason we wait to express ourselves!
Week 3 The Wildcard
Week three is unknown. . . During the third week of every month there will be a random challenge, sharing, or topic to ACT on! This may lead to sharing in the group and further discussions.
Week 4 Webinar and Discussion
Week 4, just as week 2, will be focused on the theme and experience of Wednesday’s webinar (8:00am pst). After the webinar closes there will be a 48 hour window open for discussion. This is to keep the notifications from overthrowing your phone and to condense our intention so we don’t fall victim to a lack of urgency being the reason we wait to express ourselves!